Striders, Strollers & Stragglers
Walking Group Programme
March - November (First Thursday)
Paid-up members of Moira Friendship Group are invited to join with the regular walkers on the dates shown below. Booking will open at 9.30 on Friday morning following Thursday walk by telephoning office 9261 2119.
Our walk-leaders, who will be present to guide us on each walk, are fully trained by South Eastern Trust's Health Development Department. They will easily be identified as they will be wearing the 'official red' jacket/fleece/polo shirt when leading us.
As far as possible we pick venues to suit all levels of fitness. We divide our Group into three sections.
- Striders - A long walk (2.5 - 3 miles) at a fairly brisk pace
- Strollers (fast) - A short walk (1-2 miles) at a brisk pace
- Strollers (slow) - A short walk (1-2 miles) at a more leisurely pace
- Stragglers - A stroll not too far from the coach-parking area
There will always be one walk-leader for each section, but hopefully two.
Walking Schedule
The following table shows the walks that are planned in the coming months. Please contact the office if you would like more information or would like to join a walk.
Key: * Walk leader in charge "F:" - Front Leaders, "B:" - Back Leaders 🕓 Indicates late return home |
Day | Venue | Walk Leaders |
March 6th | Lisburn Tow Path | F: Grace *, Chris, Barry, Beryl B: Harry *, Des, Anne, Irene |
April 3rd | Lough Shore | F: Harry*, William, Samuel*, Annne B: Audrey, Des, Berylm Rosemary |
May 1st | Tannaghmore Gardens |
F: Bert*, Brenda, Marion*, Ina B: Stewart, Rosemary, Joy, Susan |
June 5th | Stormont |
F: William*, Audrey*, Yvonne, Marion B: Grace, Bert, Des, Beryl |
July 3rd | Loughall |
F: Stewart*, Harry, Brenda*, Doris B: Phyllis, Anne, Chris, Des |
August 7th | Whitehead |
F: Grace*, Chris* Ina, Brenda B: Stewart, Des, Joy, Susan |
September 4th | Barnetts Demesne |
F: Samuel, Bert*, Marion*, Barry B: Des, Sam, Beryl, Grace |
October 2nd | Castlewellan Forest Park |
F: William*, Audrey*, Marion, Bert B: Grace, Brenda, Yvonne, Stewart |
November 6th | Antrim Castle Gardens |
F: Harry, Samuel, Ina* Joy* B: Des, Phyllis, Anne, Doris |